POLAR STAR activities kit

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Plastic in the Arctic
Polar Reseach,Environmental Sciences

Plastic pollution appears is everywhere even in the air and soil . In this activity, we will talk about the different consequences of plastic in oceans, freshwater, soil and air.

Northern Lights
Polar Reseach,Environmental Sciences

How are the Northern Lights generated? How is the auroral activity determined by the chemical composition of the atmosphere? Why do they appear only at the poles? 

Surviving the Arctic
Polar Reseach,Environmental Sciences

The Arctic is a challenging environment. How humans adapt to the extreme conditions of polar regions? Find out more about how to survive in the arctic using traditional as well as high tech solutions.

Polar Reseach,Environmental Sciences

Permafrost is permanently frozen ground. It is soil, rock, or organic material that remains at 0°C or below for at least two years. How does thawing permafrost affect the Earth's climate and what are the consequences for the planet and our civilization?

Arctic amplification
Polar Reseach,Environmental Sciences

The warming trend in the Arctic is almost twice as large as the global average in recent decades. The loss of sea ice amplifies the warming trend because the ocean surface absorbs more sun heat than the surface of snow and ice. How does that affect the planet?


STAR kit

Solar System Astronomy
Astronomy, Space sciences

Learn about the newest discoveries about and in the solar system, as well as how the solar system’s components, their sizes, various scales and more can be used to engage students.

Surviving in Space: Space Weather
Astronomy, Space sciences

What does it take to survive in the extremes of outer space? Could humans live elsewhere in the solar system? Could *anything* else live there? What would it take to live on the Moon or on Mars?

Gravitational waves
Astronomy, Space sciences

Gravitational waves are ripples in space-time predicted by Albert Einstein in his General Theory of Relativity. How are these waves being detected? What can they tell us about events in the distant Universe?

Observing the skies
Astronomy, Space sciences

What digital tools can help us experience the night sky? How are new telescopes designed and built and how do they compare to past telescopes?

Earth Observation
Astronomy, Space sciences

How do we use space to look at ourselves? What do climate and weather measurements tell us about our Earth and environment?

Mars Mission Escape Room
Astronomy, Space Sciences

Looking for signs of life on Mars is among the most contemporary challenges for space exploration. Enter our escape room to find out more!

In case the the activites of POLAR STAR are not available in the Go-Lab repository or the repository itself is not available, please follow check the backup versions here.


POLAR STAR aims to bring together state-of-the-art learning pedagogies and combine them with exciting activities that focus on contemporary science, thus helping teachers to introduce STEAM successfully in their class. At the same time the project will focus on the development of students’ key skills and competences as well as deepening their knowledge of fundamental science principles, increasing their appreciation of science and technology and their role in todays’ societies. POLAR STAR aims to offer an open and innovative training framework to teachers of primary and secondary education which will focus on:

  • Promoting the 'Science as a Whole' concept;
  • Promoting a holistic STEM educational approach;
  • Promote the introduction of contemporary science activities in schools;



YLIOPISTONMAKI 20014, Turku Finland

Phone:+35 850 339 48 23

Email: polar-star@ea.gr